Quick fix — Salads

Purple sprouting broccoli

Purple sprouting broccoli, or ‘PSB’ as we call it in the kitchen, is a brassica and close cousin of the tighter headed and more common calabrese or green broccoli. Don’t worry too much about the lower leaves that come with it, it’s the tender purple heads that hold the sweet flavour. Be careful not to overcook it – best steamed and checked for done-ness with a round-ended knife to see if it slips easily through. Simple melted butter or a more adventurous hollandaise sauce are both a very good friend to PSB.

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Wild garlic

Get your foraging boots on this weekend and hunt out some wild garlic (just starting to appear in hedgerows) to make a simple pasta sauce. Melt good quality Anchovies and Dried Chilli Flakes in a pan and toss with foraged wild garlic and ‘al dente’ Geometry of Pasta Spaghetti.

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Peppery greens

Watercress is not just a salad leaf, we like to use it as a green too – simply serve a large undressed handful to accompany our new Sutton Hoo spatchcock chicken with garlic and herbs, creamed potatoes and a spoonful of our Chilli Jam.

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Oven-dried tomatoes

Preheat the oven to 110ºC/225ºF. Wash and halve a punnet or two of cherry tomatoes and lay them on a baking parchment-lined baking sheet, cut side up. Season each with sea salt, one or two thyme leaves and drizzle with light olive oil. Cook for about 2 hours, depending on size. Try one: they should have shrunk to half the size and taste intense. Place into sterilised jars and cover with sunflower oil. Keep in the fridge and eat within one month

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