Somerset Cider Brandy Butter

Somerset Cider Brandy Butter

Whipped to perfection our Brandy Butter imbued with Somerset Cider Brandy, orange zest and lemon makes a wonderful companion to a mince pie, a slice of Christmas pudding or on a spoon straight from the jar. Try making at home for the perfect festive treat.

Whipped to perfection our Brandy Butter imbued with Somerset Cider Brandy, orange zest and lemon makes a wonderful companion to a mince pie, a slice of Christmas pudding or on a spoon straight from the jar!

Somerset Cider Brandy Butter

Makes 3 x small jars (1 to keep and 2 for gifting)

Preparation time: 15 mins

200g unsalted butter (room temp)

100g icing sugar

zest of 1 orange

pinch of nutmeg

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

4 tablespoons of Somerset Cider Brandy (or another good quality brandy)



Electric mixer with whisk

Pipping bag or two clean spoons

3 x small jars (approx 220ml)

3 x lids


First sterilise the jars by giving them a good rinse then drying them out in the oven at 100oC.

Take out of the oven and allow to cool. Boil the lids in water for a minute or so,  then dry off using clean kitchen paper towel. Set aside.

Beat the butter and the icing sugar together until pale in colour and fluffy, using the whisk on a mixer. Add the zest and nutmeg and beat for a minute more.

Slightly warm up the brandy and lemon juice (this will help prevent the butter from splitting) and add slowly while beating but at a lower speed.

Pipe or spoon into the clean jars and label without delay.

Serve with hot mince pies or Christmas pudding.

Any leftovers can be used to cook off pancakes – add a little of the brandy butter to a frying pan and cook pancakes in usual manner. Or even have a go at caramelising orange segments with the brandy butter to serve over ice cream…..