If there’s one vegetable to shout that it’s autumn, it’s got to be pumpkin. A pumpkin is a member of the winter squash family that includes an assortment of different-coloured, shaped and sized vegetables (or more accurately fruits). Some names to note and our favourites include: ACORN, BLUE HUBBARD, BUTTERNUT, CROWN PRINCE, MUNCHKIN and ONION.
Once harvested most store well and some of the large squashes may last until the latter days of winter and provide food for plenty, while smaller types provide just enough for one. Their flesh is sweet and is best baked or roasted. It can then be enjoyed in that simple form, or taken to another level in soups, stews and casseroles. Be careful when peeling, as their skins can be tough and challenging, which is why we particularly like the Onion squash, as the skin is tender enough to eat once roasted – so there’s no need to peel.
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